Hi there mister.
I can remember when I was younger laying in bed trying to fall asleep I'd start to count how many times the lighthouse light hit this place on my wall of my bedroom. The light was soothing to me and was something I really missed and had trouble sleeping without when I ventured off the cape for college. So now that I've been away from home for some time now, I visit home and I have to get my dose of my "lonely light." I don't want to sound corny, but I always feel like I find myself drawn back to the lighthouse at night when I really need to think. I will always have a strong connection, maybe because my parents were married in front of the lighthouse 20 something years ago one cold November day or that I'm just emotionally sentimental about childhood memories and let I remind you that change is not something I take easy to. So the most calming feeling for me is to be all alone out in that cold foggy air searching and admiring where that wonderful light touches on my hometown...I roll down the windows of my 89' Oldmobile and stick my head out. I slowly drive around with my headlights off on the silent streets of my town looking for those beautiful moments of where the revitalizing light hits. It’s almost like the light charges my town at night with each hit of light spreading and touching upon everything in the town, keeping it secretly alive...